Are you interested in pursuing a career in creative arts? The federal government needs new talent in a variety of creative fields like photography, writing, graphic design and audiovisual production.

As an interior designer for the Department of State, you can design and decorate embassies. As an exhibits lighting specialist for the Smithsonian Institution, you can determine the look and feel of numerous national art galleries.

Top Creative Arts Positions by RegionPercentage
South Atlantic55.8%
Pacific West9.2%
Mountain West6.5%
West South Central5.6%
East North Central5.3%
East South Central3.4%
West North Central2.9%
Positions Overseas1.5%

Did You Know?

The Department of the Army has over 200,000 creative arts employees for duties such as designing our many personnel uniforms.

Creative arts jobs give you the ability to combine a love of arts and a plethora of other areas of interest, such as history, defense, marketing, or human rights campaigns. No matter your passion, there is a job to fit you in the creative arts field in the federal government.

There are jobs in all regions of the country, but over half of the federal creative arts jobs are in the South Atlantic.

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